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A big breakup is a life changing event that has the power to shatter your world, affirm all of your negative beliefs about yourself and love, and leave you hurt, helpless and alone. 


It can be the most inspirational opportunity for transformational growth.

***Can you afford to spend another day in pain? 
***Can you afford to yearn for and suffer over someone who doesn't realize and value your worth?
***Can you afford to repeat the same patterns that will only result in future heartbreak?
***Can you afford to waste your time with dating duds and in unsatisfying relationships?

If you said yes to any of these questions, then YOU don't value your own worth.

If you answered no to those questions, then it sounds like you are ready to start creating your own love story!

You've wasted enough time obsessing over your breakup, comparing the new people you meet to your ex, and questioning if you're unworthy of love.

Let's kick your breakup in the butt once and for all so that you can freely move on to attracting and meeting your ideal match and creating the love life you deserve!

It's time to heal your heart, unpack your breakup baggage so that you can gain insight and awareness into your dating decisions, reclaim your identity and confidence, and learn how to date with intent so that you can love with a whole heart and be loved fiercely!

Here's what you'll learn in my 12-week Breakup Bounce Back program


  • Get out of zombie mode and off the roller coaster of breakup grief
  • Manage your unbearable obsession, rumination and depression that consumes you of thoughts of your ex
  • Learn the breakup do’s & don’ts and essential self-care survival skills to kick your heartbreak in the butt


  • Finally answer the “why” and understand the underlying reasons for your breakup
  • Identify underlying emotional injuries and dysfunctional internalized beliefs (ex. I'm not enough; I'm flawed; I'm unworthy; I'm unlovable) that negatively impact your thoughts and behaviors and get in the way of forming rewarding romantic relationships
  • Create mental and emotional closure that will free you from your breakup fixation


  • Learn how to practice self-love, create new purpose, rebuild your self-concept and self-worth, and set higher standards for how you want to be treated in a relationship
  • Identify your negative patterns in love, stop choosing the wrong partners who will continue to hurt you, and get crystal clear on exactly what values, traits, and qualities make an ideal match for you
  • Learn how to analyze your dating data, identify red flags and emotionally unavailable partners early on in a budding relationship, and approach dating with confidence and vulnerability so that you can be open to receiving the love that you deeply desire and deserve

For a free 20-min consult about your breakup situation and to make sure you're a strong fit for my Breakup Bounce Back program, fill out the form below. Please provide as much detail as you think is helpful for me to know. ***Once you submit the application, you'll be directed to a link where you can schedule your free call with me.