6 Things You Should Never Say to Your Significant Other
It’s funny that we can be totally polite and helpful with our friends, boss, coworkers, or even complete strangers, but we spew nasty tones of voice and hurtful words at our significant others!
That’s because we feel so close and accepted by our partners, that we don’t always mind our manners.
Criticism, which is when you attack someone’s character, has been shown to be a strong predictor of divorce.
Rather than belittling, beating down, and criticizing your partner, you need to understand, clearly communicate, and appreciate your spouse for both his or her strengths and weaknesses.
This is a reminder that you are a team, and this is the person you love the most in the entire world! It’s time to cut out disrespect and contempt, and be more mindful and kind to your teammate.
Here are 6 “don’t go there” comments you should never say to your significant other:
1. “You’re acting like your mother!”
We all know this is never used as a compliment! The problem with this statement is that you’re implying your spouse is predestined to act a certain undesirable way.
Rather than making a passive aggressive comment like this, try identifying the behavior that is bothering you without the criticism.
We all acquire learned behaviors, and unfortunately we can’t just pick up the good ones! If you absolutely feel it’s necessary to point out that your partner’s behavior is similar to his or her parents, then try empathizing with why your partner behaves like this.
This could lead to a productive and intimate conversation about your partner’s past experiences, or bring increased insight and awareness to his or her annoying habits. Just remind yourself that you’re not your partner’s therapist!
If you tackle this issue as a team, your partner will likely feel more understood and be more willing to work towards change.
2. “Why can’t you be more romantic/thoughtful/organized/helpful!”
When you sign up for marriage, you are saying, “I do” to accepting your spouse as is, including his or her flaws. But the thing is, you can’t change him or her. You can, however, waste a lot of negative energy forcing your partner to be someone he or she is not. And we all know that goes down with a fight!
These types of frustrated statements come from a place where your needs are not being met. Remind yourself that your partner is not a mind reader, so it comes down to you communicating in a more calm, non-defensive way.
If you feel there has been a major shift in your partner’s behavior, where in the past he or she was more romantic, thoughtful, organized, helpful, etc. then ask yourself what has changed.
Try a softer approach, such as, “I’ve noticed that I’ve been cooking dinner and doing the dishes the past few weeks. I really appreciate when we can share the cooking and clean up responsibilities. Has something changed?”
Or, maybe you just have new needs. Ask yourself whether it’s realistic to expect your partner to meet these needs before you approach him or her. Is there anything you can take responsibility for these needs yourself?
Remember, there are more effective ways to communicate than by making blanket statements that leaves your partner feeling inadequate.
3. “I Hate you!”
This may sound obvious, but “I hate you” is very different than “I hate when you…” The latter is directed at your partner’s behavior or actions, rather than at who he or she is as a person.
When you attack someone’s character, it’s very demeaning. Respect and positive regard for your partner is at the core of a successful long-term relationship.
So, rather than screaming, “I hate you!” take a deep breath and identify the actions that drive you crazy using an “I statement.” Here’s an easy, effective 3-step way to address your frustrations:
- I FEEL… (name your emotions)
- ABOUT…(describe the situation that is creating the feeling, rather than describing your partner’s flaws)
- I NEED…(describe how your partner can help you to feel better about the issue)
For example, “I feel sad and disappointed that you missed our dinner date because you were too busy at work. I need you to start making our relationship more of a priority.” This type of “I statement” will be much more productive than, “I hate you! You never make time for me and I’m sick of this s@#t!”
4. “I’m not attracted to you anymore.”
Now that’s just harsh! I don’t care how high your self-esteem is, that will sting.
During my wedding ceremony, I personally vowed to make my husband feel attractive every day because I realize how important feeling sexy, beautiful or handsome is to the long-term success and happiness of a relationship.
It’s true that passion tends to decrease with time, but as lifelong partners, it’s your job to stay emotionally and physically connected to your partner.
Your spouse is the one person in life with whom you should be having an intimate, physical relationship. This is a huge aspect of a marriage because it separates you as lovers from best friends or roommates.
Rejection and shame are extremely damaging to a relationship. You can’t expect perfection.
You both need to take responsibility to initiate flirtation, sex, and maintain desire. Wrinkles happen. Weight gain happens. Bad hair cuts happen! You can each agree to take care of your bodies and put in effort to do the things your partner finds attractive.
5. “I remember when you used to…(plan dates, clean the house, text me all day).”
If you make this statement in a fondly, reminiscent way, then this can be a great way to increase intimacy and even desire in your relationship.
However, if you’re lamenting about how your partner has changed as a person and you’re unhappy with his or her current behavior, it can cause a problem.
When you commit to your partner, you are committing to changing with him or her, the same way your partner needs to change with you.
If your partner has changed in a way you don’t like, it’s probably better to consider what else may have changed in life that is affecting your spouse, and explore this directly with him or her.
Just make sure you approach the conversation in a non-blaming way.
For example, “I’ve been feeling disconnected lately. I realized we haven’t gone on one of those surprise dates you used to like to plan. Those made me feel really special. Is there something I can help with to make this happen again?”
Perhaps your partner has been preoccupied with work, or maybe he or she has gotten comfortable in the relationship and doesn’t feel pressure to “court” you.
Whatever the reason, the goal is to bring your dissatisfaction to your partner’s attention through a conversation, rather than an argument.
6. “You’re such a jerk,” or “You are so stupid!”
Name-calling is JUST. NOT. COOL.
When you’re feeling so flustered and frustrated that you’re about to resort to ten year old behavior and call your most loved and cherished person in the entire world a nasty name, hit pause and go take a time out!
Cruel words are destructive to a relationship. If you’re not able to talk calmly, without raising your voice, crying, swearing, or name-calling, you’re just not ready to have the conversation.
What are the takeaways from these 6 things you should never say to your spouse? Less criticizing, more communicating! There’s a reason you married him or her, right? Let’s create more appreciation, adoration, and admiration.
For the secret ingredients to a happy love life, make sure to download “Love Successfully: 10 secrets you need to know right now!” for FREE!